Karma Rx

Celtic bears the brunt of his wife's cruelty. Daily, she belittles him with words and actions, openly engaging in extramarital activities in his presence. Publicly, she exposes his humiliation through photos shared with their social circle. Physical abuse is not off-limits, as she strikes him without remorse. Despite his efforts to provide her a comfortable life, the torment continues relentlessly. As a man in distress, Celtic finds himself alone. Who will listen to his plight when the perpetrator is his own spouse, Karma, a woman he ardently loves? He hesitates to seek help, wary that others may doubt or ostracize him based on societal biases. Karma reinforces this fear by citing his white heterosexual identity as a hindrance to his credibility amidst prevalent prejudices. Furtherly complicating matters, Celtic endures the agony of witnessing his wife's intimate encounters, laid bare in graphic detail. She revels in pleasure alien to their intimate moments, savouring the arousal kindled by her forbidden trysts. Misery riddles him as he becomes complicit in her infidelity, being used to facilitate her liaisons. The breaking point draws near as Celtic mentally unravels witnessing her engage intimately with a heir of unfamiliar men - ironically, shows religious faith escaping even that. 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